Privacy Policy

SnipBack AI Company Privacy Statement
SnipBack AI Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy is important to SnipBack AI. We strive to keep your personal information confidential. By ensuring that you are aware of, and understand, our Privacy Policy we can provide you with better service. Please take a moment to read the following policy to learn how we handle your personal information.
Why We Collect Personal Information
 SnipBack AI collects and uses your personal information internally so that we can continue to provide you with superior customer service. We also collect this information in order to offer you a wider variety of cutting edge products and to provide comprehensive training, education and documentation. In addition, we use your personal information to keep you up to date on the latest product announcements, software updates, special offers, and other information we think you’d like to hear about. This may occasionally include information from other technology companies about products and services that can add value to your operation. From time to time, we may also use your personal information to contact you to participate in a voluntary market research survey, or peer group, so that we can gauge customer satisfaction and develop and market better products.
How We Collect Personal Information

We collect information about you in several ways. For example we ask for your contact information when you register to evaluate our services or products; request to be added to the SnipBack AI News newsletter list; call us with questions or to make a purchase or request support; register with us at a seminar or trade show; request an SnipBack AI white paper; or participate in an online survey, as well as other similar methods. In addition, when you register a new SnipBack AI product purchase, or ask to be included in an email mailing list, we collect and store the information you provide in a secure database. At any time you have the option to request that we remove you from that list by using the unsubscribe button or instructions in an email ad or newsletter or by requesting that we remove you from that list by contacting your Account Manager or by contacting us via the email address or phone number on our website, SnipBack AI will make every effort to make sure you are immediately taken off any list you request to be removed from.
When We Disclose Personal Information
 SnipBack AI may share your contact information with another SnipBack AI business unit or an SnipBack AI Authorized Reseller, which may be better able to provide you with personalized sales and support. If you register with us from outside North America, your contact information will be forwarded to a distributor in your area. We require anyone we share your information with to protect your personal information in accordance with the SnipBack AI Privacy Policy.
 At times we may be required by law or legal process to disclose your personal information. We may also disclose information about you if we believe that disclosure is necessary for the public interest.
How We Protect Your Personal Information
 SnipBack AI safeguards the security of the data you send us with physical, electronic, and managerial procedures. We urge you to take every precaution to protect your personal data when you are on the Internet. Change your passwords often, use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters and make sure you use a secure browser.
Collecting Other Personal Information

When you browse an SnipBack AI website, you are able to do so anonymously. Generally, we don’t collect personal information when you browse — not even your email address. Your browser, however, does automatically tell us the type of computer and operating system you are using.
 Like many websites, SnipBack AI websites use “cookie” technology. When you first connect to our site, the cookie may identify your browser with a unique, random number. The cookies we use do not reveal any personal information about you. Cookies help us understand which parts of our websites are the most popular, where our visitors are going, and how long they spend there. We use cookies to study traffic patterns on our site so we can make the site even better.
 In some of our email to you, we use a “click-through URL.” When you click one of these URLs, you pass through our web server before arriving at the website that is your destination. We track click-throughs to help us determine your interest in particular topics and measure the effectiveness of our customer communications.
Our Company-Wide Commitment to Privacy
 SnipBack AI does not knowingly solicit personal information from children or send them requests for personal information.
 If our websites contain links to other sites. We do not share your personal information with those websites and are not responsible for their privacy practices. We encourage you to learn about the privacy policies of those companies.
 The SNIPBACK AI Customer Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time. We encourage you to review the privacy policy regularly for any changes.